
To Those Given MUCH . . . Much is Expected (Luke 12:48) Today's Gospel Reading

(Holy Card re-print permission granted from "Holy Cards for Your Inspiration"

Hello Dear Friends in Christ,

As I read today's reading from the Book of Luke, I could not help but think back upon the days of graduate school. I was attending a a dinner for undergraduates and since I was a graduate student, and I was told by a priest, "To whom much has been given, much is expected in return."

Well, here I am over 10 years later. In the morning before my rosary I ask God to bless my day and to help me be the best that I can be according to His Will for me. That includes not just being the best in my work, but also as a Catholic, wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, neighbor, parishioner, community, state, and national citizen.

Each of us was divinely designed!!!! for a special vocation. We each have gifts. If you don't know what your gift(s) is(are), may I suggest that you ask God to show those to you?

I need to remind myself of the post(s) that I have divinely been created for according to God's Divine Will and to carry out my responsibilities faithfully! God placed each of us in this moment in time for a reason and we MUST understand the magnitude of our individual MISSIONS that will bring pleasure to God!

For example, I teach. When I just stop for a moment and think of the immense power that I have to influence young adult minds, I am just speechless. Many say that teaching is a thankless job. Maybe so. At least in the present it may appear that way. But like a pebble skimming the surface of water, or throwing a stone in water. . . . there is a long, long, LONG-term ripple effect that a teacher (or really anyone!) can ever see! That is unless, people come back to you later and tell you what a difference you made in their lives.

I pray that I use this influence wisely and in a way that pleases God. I try to teach honesty, integrity, ethics, decency, civility, kindness, tolerance, non-judgemental-ism, and so forth and so on. I try to be patient and understanding with students without being taken advantage of. I try to guide them when they get off course. I have 100 + students each semester and some days when I get home from simply teaching and answering questions with students ALONE, I can be just wiped out. But you know what? I feel SO fulfilled.

How has God blessed you (given you much)? I have a beautiful Catholic faith, a wonderful loving husband, healthy, educated, and employed and happy Catholic children (needing a little guidance as always), a joy-filled Catholic parish community, a warm and comfortable home, a satisfying career that helps individuals and society, loving elderly parents, my dream fulfilled of living on an acreage with beautiful animals, the ability to learn and grow more each day, and the privilege of living in the United States.

The list goes on and on and on. With so much given to me, I can see why I have the obligation to return my absolute best in everything that I do for the Lord and our Heavenly Father.

I know that when I think about what I DO HAVE and show GRATITUDE for those things, that I get less caught up in this worldly place we live in; that I am less depressed about the economic and political situations that we currently face. I don't ignore them, but I don't get caught too deeply in worry, but rather place my TRUST IN THE LORD for my needs. He certainly knows what I need better than I do.

I hope that you're having a great day in your neck of the woods. I need to go and get my classroom ready for my evening class.

Wishing you blessings,

~ Bella
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Bill said...

Very special reminder that God's gifts to us are free and we can enjoy them without worry. Nevertheless much is expected of us to channel His blessings to others. When we receive His graces they are on their way to someone else we are soon to meet!

Unknown said...

Wow, I am so happy to have read your many blessings. I am so so inspired. I a am teaching a confirmation class in my parish, and I ask the Lord to use me, and guide me to I instill a little seed and inpire the students to love God,so that one day they can alsoserve him. I loved reading your many blessings. You have inspired me. I am sharing your blessings with my class on Sunday (11/4/18), I feel tha t I need to show them, that "To those given much.....much is expected"