
The "Our Father" and Just Simply Praying

This week we read about how Jesus taught us to pray the "Our Father".

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name: The very first thing that I (and we) need to remember when praying this beautiful prayer is to GLORIFY GOD . . . this is our first priority. I try to remember to do this even if I am not saying this prayer. When I say my prayers, I always remember that first and foremost I need to offer praise and glory to God. He is first and not my problems! When we show our honor and adoration to God, He will demonstrate his love, concern, and care for us. I'm not first, nor are my needs and wants, God is.

I heard today that if you want to know God's sense of humor, then just tell him what your plans are!!! :)

Thy Kingdom Come . . . this is my (and everyones) obligation to spread His divine message on earth . . . and most especially to those whom God has placed right next to us everyday. I am so very concerned, not only for my own soul's eternal salvation, but also for my husband's and my children's souls.

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Here, we say that we desire only what God desires and we pray for the grace to do His Will on earth. When I pray, I also ask God to give me the knowledge and discernment of what He wants me to do, PLUS the COURAGE and STRENGTH to carry out His Will. "Please Lord, lead me and guide me, and take me where YOU want me to go and to do what YOU want me to do!"

After honor and glory, and asking for His Will, I tell God what I am grateful for each day . . . even down to my ability to BREATHE! Yea, breathe! Then I ask for God's forgiveness of the sins that I have committed during the day. And that list can literally be so long, that I could fall asleep!

Finally, I present my petitions to Him, but again asking if they be only according to His Divine Will and not mine.

And now it is getting late here on the acreage and it's time to get some sleep. I hope that you had a blessed day and that tomorrow brings even more blessings!

Amore' and buona notte'!

~ Bella

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