
Praying Rosary For My Father's Cancer Radiation Treatments

My Dear Friends in Christ,

I apologize if I have not blogged for a week or so, but I have begun teaching summer school classes, adopted two new horses, have been gardening and harvesting, and have had my father's health on mind as well. After his first two weeks of radiation, he is in much less pain and the treatment appears to be working positively! Praise Our Lord!
I have added his health to my rosary petitions and if you are reading this, I humbly ask that you add just a second of a thought in your rosary petitions for him as well. We all know the tremendous power of PRAYER!
I hope that you are having a blessed day!
~ bella

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1 comment:

Roz said...

Thanks Mikki, for your email of prayers!