
The Beginning and Journey of My Italian-American Catholic Life

My beginning and journey in the Catholic Church:

I was born into an American-Italian family who is entirely from a 100% Italian-originated bloodline.  

All of my relatives are from Northern Italy.  My cousins still live there, in Modena, Emiliga-Romagna to this very day.  I am in continual contact with all of my family today.

My parents were 'by the book' Catholics in that they went to Mass every Sunday, (but never on Holy days, just Sundays), sent my siblings and me to Catholic school, and didn't eat meat on Fridays.  My parents, sadly, never read the Bible or discussed Sunday homilies with their children.  We did not have an Advent wreath and candles, nor was it observed.  We never prayed the Rosary nor attended Mass on First Fridays or Saturdays of the month.  The minimal level of 'Catholicism' was lived in my family.

After leaving parochial school, I attended weekly Catechism classes.  

Although I forgive my parents, this lack of Catholic direction left me without my faith for more than 20 years.

I began my spiritual journey when I married a protestant man who would not attend church of any denomination.  As I stated, my faith was very weak, and little did I care that my protestant husband did what he did.  

After the birth of our first child in St. Louis, MO (USA), I began to listen more attentively to the Gospels and homilies of my parish priests during Mass that I began to attend once again.  In St. Louis, I purchased my first Catholic Bible, but yet did not open it to read yet.

Upon a transfer to my former husband's position to Los Angeles, CA, we lived in Fullerton, CA, where we joined the parish of St. Angela Merici.  We attended Mass together as a family, and I became involved as a hospitality minister on Sundays, as well as a Catechism instructor for 1st graders.

We baptized our son with my 1st grade Cathechism students as witnesses!

Sadly, the devil made his way into my marriage and destroyed it through alcoholism, abuse, and neglect from my husband.  I turned to my Catholic faith even more for the strength and support of others.  I began attending Catholic prayer and Bible study groups through St. Angela Merici's.

After 4 years, we then we moved to Scottsdale, AZ (USA) for his work.  We joined St. Patrick's parish, where I taught Catechism again to 1st graders.  We sent our daughter to Our Lady Of Perpetual Help, where she received a superb, excellent education in kindergarten.

With my marriage ending, I was forced to send my daughter to public school due to lack of funds to continue in parochial school.  I returned to full-time work and had to place my children in before and after-school child care.

I prayed to the Lord to take care of my children where I was so unable as I returned to work on a small, limited salary.

He assured me in a dream that I did not need to worry....that all would be taken care of.

And He fulfilled His promises to me and my two young children (under the age of 7).

This post will be continued . . . 

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