
God's Beauty Reflected in My Gardens!

Our God is a most loving God, and is the creator of all things! That is exactly why I am in utter AWE with the breathtaking, literally breathtaking, beauty of nature that surrounds me. I try my best to work alongside with what God has given me to create a little paradise here on earth, constantly remembering that everything, all the way down to the soil and organisms, is from our loving, heavenly Father! I have always loved beautiful things, but most especially I love the beauty found in natural, living things. My God knows this about me and gives me these beautiful, precious reminders of His Glory on a simple and daily basis. I am ever so grateful!
Here is just a glimpse of what He gave me to see and enjoy in my gardens this spring. I hope that you enjoy them too and gain a sense of AWE when considering how beautiful and loving our Father in Heaven is for giving us this beauty around us!

The bleeding hearts have just taken over the shady part of my gardens this spring after establishing themselves for five years! So abundant in blooms!

Who can resist staring and glaring at the vivid lavender and purple colors of the Eastern redbud trees that flash in front of us every spring? This year the lavish winter rains really helped the bloom development!

I just planted these gorgeous blue and white iris last fall and have simply been taken back by their beauty. I think of our Blessed Mother Mary every time I look at these blue darlings!

And for a last minute flash of fuscia, hot pink color, here's my clematis that joyfully opens every spring. Just incredible! God is so beautiful in all His creations, isn't He? I have so many more photos and glimpses of His beauty around me and will certainly share them with you as time goes by.

I hope and pray that you enjoy the beauty around you that God has blessed you with! He loves us so much!


1 comment:

  1. I used to have a bleeding heart at my last home. I need a new one!!!

    Your flowers are beautiful.


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