
Blue Ridge Mountains are Truly One of God's Beautiful Masterpieces!


Our brief trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina has sadly come to a close. I am in continual AWE over the incredible beauty of this great land that we live in. What a blessing to have experienced God's incredible creation! One is truly humbled in the grandeur of these 'blue' mountains! We were in the very northwestern corner of N.C. where Christmas tree farms permeate the landscape, tiny bed and breakfasts and eateries dot the roads, and even fledgling wineries can be seen.
The temperatures were between 10 to 15 degrees cooler in the mountains than down in the foothills where we have our little acreage. It's so interesting to see how the vegetation, trees, and plants change as the altitude increases. I loved all of the different kinds of evergreen trees. The residents, whether rich, poor, or somewhere in between, all take great pride in their landscaping with so many flower gardens! Landscaping, stone businesses, and nurseries are big business up there! All which keep the area so quaint and inviting for an escape from daily mania. Now I understand why so MANY folks from Florida have second homes there.
It really was a clear day when we hiked this enormous mountain, but part of the intrigue of the Blue Ridge mountains is the constant levels of 'haze'. A super camera, I do not own, so the pictures from my trusty little digital will have to suffice to capture the scenery. Truly, no camera can do justice this natural beauty anyway!

Blue grass music being picked and sung on the back porch of the Old Mast General Store.

On the way back down the mountains into South Carolina we bought a couple of baskets of Carolina peaches that are so sweet and perfect right now, that when you bite into one, the juice just pours down your chin and neck....napkins are required! So that's where I'm going to pick back up again in the kitchen. . .
that is . . . AFTER I prep enough for my classes which resume next week (advising and meetings are first in order).
It's so nice to be back blogging and chatting again with you! I'm really looking foward to getting a good discussion going again on our beautiful Catholic Faith!
~ roz

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