
An Answered Prayer

Hello my dear friends in Christ,
I have wonderful news about my prayers to our Lady that have been partially answered (pain takes time to heal, doesn't it?) If you read my blog post yesterday, you know that my husband and I have been dealing with some painful issues with our two youngest children. I turned to the Blessed Mother for her intercession and prayed the Memorare as well as the Prayer to St. Michael for his intercession. Well, last night our youngest daughter called us. I told her that we loved her and she returned the sentiment. This was a nice start to a little cold war going on in our family.
Rather appropriately, I turned on EWTN yesterday afternoon after doing some housecleaning and Father Corapi's hour was airing. His message was on the reality of the evil one and how spiritual warfare primarily takes place in the family at home. He said if you can win the battles that take place in your home, you can win the war! Wow, did I ever need to hear his messages yesterday. What perfect timing.
So at this time, I just wanted to acknowledge my answered prayers!
Pray, pray, pray! Prayer works!
In His Love,
~ Bella
(graphic images from Catholic Mom in Hawaii blog)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you liked the cradle Catholic one enought to use it on your blog. It looks great here Roz!


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